Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash I am often asked why do I do what I do beyond my full time job. I could simply say it’s my passion for software testing but I personally don’t find that answer …

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash I recently stumbled upon an interesting article written by Alan Page where he has discussed some interesting ideas around the mindset, tester’s role, and how different software development teams approach testing. If you have not …

Considering my experience and what I have been observing in the industry, there seems to be an increasing interest in the idea of Whole Team Quality. The idea itself is not new as far as I know but certainly, there …

I have been talking about Whole Team Quality via Whole Team Testing for a couple of years now. During my workshops, I am often asked if testing can only be extended for programmers in a team. Pretty interesting question it is and my answer …

The more I think about events and people around me, the more I have started to believe in higher calling and celestial hints. I have been wanting to write about Jerry and as I started to pen my heart down …

Disclaimer: Purpose of this blog is not to undermine the importance of automation skills for testers but rather to highlight the lack of awareness in our industry for tester’s usefulness in teams beyond typical testing and automation tasks. Recently, I was …

Evenings… I have started to fall in love with them.After a tiring day at work, as I walk back towards my little nest … I meet them on my way.“Them who?”, you may ask. They are these little birds that …
“I am software tester. My job is to break software.” , said one student in my Exploratory Testing workshop. I asked him to elaborate and explain me his techniques to break the software. He was silent for moment and then …

Lately, I happened to have an interesting discussion with my colleague Dirk Meißner on whether programmers should have reasonable understanding of testing or not. A lot has been talked and written about how testers need to be great with their technical …

During my ET/SBTM workshops, I have been often asked if it is possible to perform Session Based Testing in typical Agile/DevOps environments. I think if tester knows how to perform SBT (especially with different session types), there should be no trouble …
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