Before some of you start freaking out, let me make this clear – no, it’s not the pot some of you might be thinking of 🙂 It’s an abbreviation of “Problem on Table”, an activity we have …

Nothing beats the pleasure of talking testing with old friends on cozy afternoon of weekend. Even better if it is long weekend and weather is awesome (I must tell you I have fallen in love with Spring in Germany). I met …
With my experience as an Agile tester so far, one thing I see organisations still struggling with or trying to get better at are the estimations.While thinking deeply about what makes our estimations go wrong I realised that there is …
Hmm…. I was sort of in a cave after day 5th and now it’s action time for me again. Not that I was totally out of the challenge but could not manage to blog about it. So… here is the list …
Day 5 is about “Coming out of your comfort zone”. Well, it took me a while to figure out my own comfort zone since I have never thought so deeply about it. Whatever has been thrown at me a ‘testing task’ …
On day four of the challenge, I am expected to find a testing event (online or in person) to attend. I have signed up for New Model Testing: A New Test Process And Tool webinar by Paul Gerrard and organised by TestHuddle …
As a part of day 3 of #20DaysofTesting at XING AG challenge, I was expected to read one blog and comment on it. But the blog I have chosen to comment on has rather encouraged me to write a blog …
Some awesome colleagues at workplace (Maik Nogens and Ionut Oancea) have come up with this cool idea of 20DaysOfTesting@XING, on the lines of what Software Testing Club did some days back.I regret for missing the 30daysOfTesting challenge by Rosie and …
The task for day of the challenge was to share a testing blog with non-testers.I admit that I did sort of a cheating here. I recommended some interesting blogs to my programmer friend yesterday itself but it was really a …
I have been avoiding to write on this topic from quite some years but looks like I should really speak my mind about it now. Before you confuse yourself with the title any further, let me provide some context.This post …
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