Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash I am often asked why do I do what I do beyond my full time job. I could simply say it’s my passion for software testing but I personally don’t find that answer …
The more I think about events and people around me, the more I have started to believe in higher calling and celestial hints. I have been wanting to write about Jerry and as I started to pen my heart down …
Evenings… I have started to fall in love with them.After a tiring day at work, as I walk back towards my little nest … I meet them on my way.“Them who?”, you may ask. They are these little birds that …
Software Testing and Quality Evangelist | Quality Management Consultant | Community Builder | International Keynote Speaker | Director at Association for Software Testing | CEO, Co-founder & Chief EditorTea-time with Testers magazine.
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